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FC Gold Formula First Contact Polymer

Our FC Gold Polymer was developed and engineered to exhibit very low adhesion on gold substrates. FC Gold is a new and unique designer polymer blend and solvent formulation, has passed all test criteria, and provides the excellent contamination control and removal the world has come to expect from First Contact™ Polymer products. Like our other formulations, hundreds of hours went into developing and testing FC Gold Formula to ensure it meets our, and our customer’s, strict quality control requirements.

Why Use FC Gold?

Gold coatings inherently exhibit very low adhesion unless the substrate is properly cleaned and plasma etched, and an adhesion layer such as chromium is applied between the substrate and gold. While our Red First Contact Polymer formula has been shown to be safe on gold coated substrates through extensive testing by LIGO as reported in this document, FC Gold exhibits even less adhesion than our Red formula and will give the best opportunity for success if the coating integrity is suspect or unknown.

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Proven Results

Sequential progression First Contact cleaning BRDF test.
[LIGO / Caltech / MIT]

When your interferometer needs to measure movement thousands of times smaller than a proton, your system’s optical components must be completely free of contamination and residue in order to perform with unprecedented precision. Learn how First Contact outperforms traditional drag wipe cleaning methods, ensuring a pristinely clean, protected surface.

More on LIGO

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